PSPO-I問題集で2023年最新のScrum PSPO-I試験問題 [Q297-Q322]
PSPO-I問題集で2023年最新のScrum PSPO-I試験問題 無料で使えるPSPO-Iブレーン問題集でダウンロード(PSPO-Iテスト問題集無料更新された) 質問 # 297 You can determine on your own if Scrum is philosophy, theory, and structure help to achieve goals and create value. A. TRUE B. FALSE 正解:A 質問 # 298 To double the Developers will double the productivity. A. False B. True 正解:A 質問 # 299 The Sprint Goal is created during the Sprint Retrospective and then added to [...]