練習できるNSCA Certification CSCS問題集オンライン試験練習テスト詳細な解釈付き!CSCS合格にストレスなし! [Q45-Q68]
練習できるNSCA Certification CSCS問題集オンライン試験練習テスト詳細な解釈付き!CSCS合格にストレスなし! CSCS練習テスト2023年最新ので更新されました 質問 # 45 You are observing an athlete performing power cleans and notice an error during the Catch phase. Which of the following would need correction? A. Neutral head position B. A tight torso C. Flat feet D. A flexed torso 正解:D 質問 # 46 Which of the following program design variables leads to the HIGHEST serum [...]