2022年最新の有効な1D0-735テスト解答とCIW試験PDF問題を試そう [Q19-Q40]
2022年最新の有効な1D0-735テスト解答とCIW試験PDF問題を試そう 無料CIW 1D0-735試験問題と解答トレーニングを提供していますJPNTest 質問 19 What is the output when you run the following script in the browser? A. Elephant Lion Giraffe B. Zebra.Elephant Giraffe C. Elephant Zebra Lion Giraffe D. Zebra Elephant Lion Giraffe 正解: C 質問 20 Consider the following code:Ginger needs to write a script to display a pop-up alert box with the type of credit card the [...]