102-500日本語 無料問題集「Lpi LPIC-1 Exam 102, Part 2 of 2, version 5.0 (102-500日本語版)」

sytemd-journald に関する次の記述のうち、正しいものはどれですか? (3つお選びください。)

正解:A、C、D 解答を投票する
解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)
echo '1 2 3 4 5 6' | a b cを読みながら。行う
エコー結果:$ c $ b $ a;

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)
/etc/ に cron.allow も cron.deny も存在しない場合、次のどれが当てはまりますか?

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)
システムの構成に応じて、次のファイルのうち、このホストで実行されているネットワーク サービスを有効または無効にするために使用できるのはどれですか?

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)
SSH を使用して他のマシンにログインするときに自動認証に使用されるキーをプリロードして管理するコマンドはどれですか。

ユーザーが所属するグループ名とGIDを表示するのはどのコマンドですか? (パス情報の有無にかかわらずコマンド名のみを指定してください)
The id command will display the user ID (uid), the primary group ID (gid), and the supplementary groups (groups) of a user. The output will show the names and the numerical IDs of the groups. For example:
id linuxize
The command will show the user ID (uid), the user's primary group (gid), and the user's secondary groups (groups) uid=1001(linuxize) gid=1001(linuxize) groups=1001(linuxize),27(sudo) To print only the names instead of the numbers use the -n option.
id -nG linuxize
The command will show only the names of the groups
linuxize sudo
The id command is part of the GNU coreutils package and is available on all Linux systems. The full path of the command is /usr/bin/id. Reference:
id(1) - Linux manual page
How to List Groups in Linux | Linuxize
The bind attribute in an xinetd configuration file specifies the network address that will be used to provide the service. It can be either an IP address or a hostname. If the bind attribute is not specified, xinetd will listen on all available addresses on the system. The bind attribute can be used to restrict the service to a specific interface or network. For example, bind = will only allow the service to be accessed from the network. The bind attribute can also be used to provide different configurations for the same service on different addresses. For example, one can have two telnet configuration files, one with bind = and another with bind =, to offer different access rules or options for the telnet service on each address.
xinetd - Wikipedia
17.4. xinetd Configuration Files - Red Hat Customer Portal
How to configure xinetd ? - Red Hat Customer Portal
新しいユーザーがホームディレクトリを作成したときのために、ファイルおよびディレクトリのサンプルコピーを保存するために/ etc内のどのディレクトリが使用されますか。 (フルパスを入力してください)
The /etc/skel directory is used to keep a sample copy of files and directories for when a new user has a home directory created. The /etc/skel directory contains files and directories that are automatically copied over to a new user's home directory when such user is created by the useradd or adduser command. The /etc/skel directory allows the system administrator to create a standard environment for all new users on the system. For example, the /etc/skel directory may contain a default .bashrc file that sets some aliases and environment variables for the new user, or a default .profile file that executes some commands at login. The /etc/skel directory may also contain subdirectories such as .ssh or .config that store configuration files for various applications or services. The name /etc/skel comes from the word "skeleton", as it provides a basic structure for the new user's home directory. Reference:
[Linux User Administration]
[Linux Directory Structure]

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)
スクリプトの最初の行にある #. で始まる文について、正しいものは何ですか? (正しい答えを 2 つ選択してください。)

正解:D、E 解答を投票する
HTTPSプロトコルのデフォルトのサーバーポートはどれですか。 (ポート番号は数字で指定してください。)
The port number 443 is the default server port for the HTTPS protocol, which is a secure version of HTTP that uses SSL/TLS certificates to encrypt the data transmission between web servers and browsers. The port number 443 is recognized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as the standard port for HTTPS connections1. The port number 443 is part of the topic 109.1: Fundamentals of internet protocols, which is one of the objectives of the LPI Linux Administrator - 102 exam23. Reference: 1: HTTPS Port: What It Is, How to Use It, and More (2023) - Hostinger 2: LPI Linux Administrator - 102 (LPIC-1) 3: Exam 102 Objectives

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)
コマンドseq 10はどのような出力を生成しますか?

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)
systemd に含まれるコマンドのうち、時間やユニット名などの基準による systemd ジャーナルからのメッセージの選択をサポートしているのはどれですか? (パスやパラメータを指定せずにコマンドのみを指定します。)
The command journalctl is included in systemd and supports selecting messages from the systemd journal by criteria such as time or unit name. The systemd journal is a binary log file that stores system and service messages. The journalctl command can be used to view, filter, export, and manipulate the journal entries. For example, to show all messages from a specific unit, such as sshd.service, the command would be:
journalctl -u sshd.service
To show all messages from a specific time range, such as yesterday, the command would be:
journalctl --since=yesterday
The journalctl command has many options and arguments that can be used to customize the output and perform various operations on the journal. For more information, see the man page of journalctl or the official documentation1. Reference: [LPI 102-500 Exam Objectives], Topic 106.2: System logging, Weight: 3. [systemd-journald.service(8) - systemd - Debian unstable - Debian Manpages], Section NAME.

解説: (JPNTest メンバーにのみ表示されます)
バニラX11のインストールに付属のシンプルなグラフィカルログインマネージャの名前は何ですか? (パスまたはパラメーターを指定せずにコマンドのみを指定してください。)
The name of the simple graphical login manager that comes with a vanilla X11 installation is xdm. XDM is the traditional graphical login manager for the X Window System, independent of any window manager or environment the user might choose. When it is run at system startup, it displays a graphical login prompt rather than the text-based login prompt at the console1. XDM is part of the xorg-x11-apps package, which provides the basic applications for the X Window System2. XDM is also one of the topics covered by the LPI Linux Professional - Exam 102 Objectives - Topic 111: Graphical Desktops3. Reference:
xorg-x11-apps - Linux Man Pages (1) - SysTutorials
LPI Linux Professional - Exam 102 Objectives - Topic 111: Graphical Desktops GitHub - iwamatsu/slim: SLiM (Simple Login Manager) is a graphical login manager for X11 slim-fork download | SourceForge.net Using the XDM Graphical Login Manager | FreeBSD 6 Unleashed - Flylib Xorg - ArchWiki How to remotely log in with full graphical desktop over X11 - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange



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