(A)Explicit, Range, In, Multi Dimension, As
(B)Explicit, Range, In, Ignore, Like
(C)Explicit, Between, In, Multi Dimension, Like
(D)Explicit, Range, In, Multi Dimension, Like
(A)Custom business rules for modules can only be created using the graphical designer.
(B)Modules cannot use regular business rules. Instead, they must be scripted using Groovy.
(C)Pre-defined business rules for modules may be modified, but may be ignored after an application upgrade.
(D)Custom business rules can be created for each module.
(A)In data maps, push data for the predefined Financial Statement Integration.
(B)On the Financials Integration Summary form, from the Actions menu, select PFP Detail to calculate project data.
(C)In Financials, run the Financials Integration business rule to update data from Projects.
(D)Rollup project data which pushes data to Financials based on account mappings.
(A)When enabled, all validations are run as the administrator and applied to the form members.
(B)When enabled, execute validations associated with the form for all users regardless of access rights when validating the Approval unit.
(C)When enabled, the system figures out which page combinations have potential data blocks and runs the validations regardless of those page combinations.
(D)When enabled, the form will be validated multiple times by replacing the user variable from the approval unit dimension with every possible value.
(E)When enabled, the user variable for the approval dimension on the form will be replaced by the approval unit member before the validations are run.
(A)Selecting a single unmapped dimension member on the source to map to multiple unmapped dimension members on the target
(B)Selecting multiple unmapped dimension members on the source to map to a single unmapped dimension member on the target
(C)Selecting a single unmapped dimension member on the source to map to a single unmapped dimension member on the target
(D)Selecting multiple unmapped dimension members on the source to map to multiple unmapped dimension members on the target
(A)Groups and Memberships
(B)Calculation Manager
(A)Configure the module, refresh the database
(B)Enable the module, refresh the database
(C)Enable the module, configure the module, run post configuration tasks
(D)Run pre-configuration tasks, enable the module, configure the module
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