(A)Vehicle V = int speed -> System.cut.print ("Fly at "+ speed} ;
(B)Vehicle V =(int speed) -> =[int.speed) system.out.print. (Fly at" + speed} ;
(C)Vehicle V = new vehicle (int speed) (System.out.print{ Fly at "+speed); };
(D)Vehicle V = speed -> [system.outprint("Fly at " + speed) ] ;
(A)If the file is a directory, and If that directory could not be opened, the poatVisitDirectory method is Invoked with the I/O exception.
(B)By default, symbolic links are not automatically followed by this method.
(C)The file tree traversal Is breadth first with the given filevisitor Invoked for each file encountered.
(D)If the file attributes cannot be lead due to on I/O exception, the visitFileFailed method is invoked With the I/O exception.
(E)The maxDepth parameter's value is the maximum number of directories to visit.
(A)0 0
(B)1500. 0
(C)A compilation error occurs.
(D)2000. 0
(A)Add a mothod:Public void close {) ToException {)
(B)Add a methPublic Boolean close() throws Toxception {)
(C)public class customResource extends AutoCloseable {
(D)public calss customResource implements closeable (
(E)public class CustomRecource extend Closeable implements AutoCloseable {
(F)Add a mothod:Public void autoClose () throws ToException {)
(A).FindFirst () ;
(B).anyMatch () ;
(C)findAny () ;
(D).allMatch () ;
(E).nonexatch () ;
(A)listVal. Stream().filter(x-> x.length{) > 3.} .mapToint{x -> x).count()
(B)listVal. Stream(). Filter(x, length {) > 3}. count ()
(C)listVal. Stream().peek [x -> x.length{} > 3} count ().Get()
(D)listVal. Stream().map {x -> x.length {) >3}. count ()
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