The patient's BUN is within normal range (5-20 mg/dL) while the creatinine is about five times the upper normal range (0.6-1.2 mg/dL). Gross elevations in creatinine are almost always accompanied by elevations in BUN when there is kidney impairment. Either the BUN or creatinine value in this case is incorrect. Both tests should be repeated.
A patient's BUN value is 15 mg/dl and his creatinine is 5 mg/dl. If this patient is not undergoing dialysis, what conclusion would you draw from these results?

The electrolyte panel consists of potassium, sodium, chloride, carbon dioxide. These analytes are also typically ordered within other panels as well, including the basic metabolic and complete metabolic panels.
An electrolyte panel (lytes, chem-4) consists of:

The approximate volume of CSF in an adult is 90-150 mL.
What is the approximate volume of spinal fluid in an adult?

As maturation continues in the granulocytic series the nucleus of the metamyelocyte becomes kidney or bean shaped.
Identify the cell in this illustration indicated by the arrow:

As magnification DECREASES, the opening of the iris diaphragm will...

Oxalate, EDTA, and citrate are anticoagulants that inhibit clot formation.
Which of the following blood additives is most useful for serum collection:

Platelets do not circulate in inactivated, spiny forms. The spiny, sticky form of the platelet is initiated once the platelets become activated in response to blood vessel damage.
Which of the following is not true in terms of platelet characteristics?

hs-CRP is a recent marker of chronic inflammation. New measurements of CRP in lower levels (hs-CRP) are now measured to monitor risk of cardiovascular disease.
Select the statement that best describes hs-CRP?

Entamoeba gingivalis resembles Entamoeba histolytica both in size and in nuclear characteristics. Entamoeba gingivalis may contain numerous cytoplasmic inclusions such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and bacteria.

I reside in the mouth where I measure approximately 17 micro meters.

Myoglobin release is strongly associated with muscle damage; therfore, it would most closely match a diagnosis of massive muscle trauma in this question.
Myoglobinuria is MOST likely to be noted in urine specimens from patients with which of the following disorders?

Gram-positive bacteria retain the primary crystal violet stain that is applied in the Gram stain because of the cross-linking of the thick peptidoglycan layer in their cell walls. Their cell walls contain less lipids than that of a gram-negative bacteria, and this reduces the permeability of their cell wall to the organic solvents that are used as a decolorizer. When the counterstain is added, it may enter the gram-positive cell, but does not change the color of the cells.
A thick peptidoglycan is MOST often associated with which of the following types of bacteria?

In excess triglycerides, the triglycerides reduce the amount of cholesterol in LDL particles producing small dense LDL molecules. Because of size and density, these molecules more easily enter damaged endothelium and vessel walls and are more easily incorporated as plaque is formed.
Which statement best describes small dense LDL particles that can occur in atherogenic dyslipidemia?

The part of the microscope that control the amount of light entering the specimen much like the iris of your eye controls light is called the iris _______________.

The laboratory employee with a 4-year college degree who performs clinical analysis is the:

This Gram stain is under-decolorized
This microscopic field is representative of other fields that were observed on a Gram-stained smear. Which of the following describes the quality of the smear?



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