When using a 1.5 in. (40 mm) outlet on a hose connection, an approved pressure-regulating device shall be installed when the residual pressure exceeds what value?
A kitchen in a restaurant encompasses an area of just over 700 ft2 (65 m2) with 2-hour fire rated walls. Does this meet the definition of a small room?
An 8 in. (200 mm) Schedule 40 steel main is to be supported from a trapeze hanger. The trapeze hanger is to span between two joists which are 7.5 ft (2.3 m) apart. What is the minimum size of steel pipe the trapeze member is to be made of?
A owner of a new warehouse wishes to store a Class III product in ordinary cardboard boxes that contain 45 percent by volume expanded plastic. What is the commodity classification?
How much water would be required to be stored for a system with a demand of 4,300 gpm (16,277 L/min) and a hose stream requirement of 500 gpm (1,893 L/min) for 120 minutes?
When designing an early suppression fast-response (ESFR) fire sprinkler system, what shall the design area of the most hydraulically demanding area consist of?
Four sprinklers are in a 460 ft2 (42.7 m2) room of ordinary hazard, Group 1 occupancy. Each sprinkler coverage area is 120 ft2 (11.1 m2). What is the minimum water required from each flowing sprinkler?