You need to create a filled map using the City field, you drop the City field to your view. And you get the location error 'Ambigious', what does it mean, and how you will fix this issue? Larger image
Blend the Significant Volcano Eruption dataset with the Country population dataset using year and country. Find out which country is having 4 volcano eruptions in the year 1963 and what was the population of this country in the same year?
Connect to the "Kiva Loans - India" data source, find out the average number of days it took to disbursed the funded amount in catering activity, and what is the total funded amount?
Connect to the "Significant Volcano Eruption" data source. Create a histogram using field Death and having a bin size of 500. Find out which country reported 9 deaths in the bin of 0-500?
Using the Profit Analysis Dashboard twbx file, find out the 5th most profitable product in the state of New York? You can add the functionality to the dashboard.
Connect to the "Global Superstore" data source and use the Orders table. Predict the profit of January 2016 using the profit data through December 2015. What is the profit value of January 2016?