GED-Reading 無料問題集「GED Reasoning Through Language Arts (Language Arts - Reading)」

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Gerry Ellis is a highly respected, well-established nature photographer who makes his living with his photographs. Based on this information and the information in this excerpt, what has Gerry Ellis been able to do with his life?

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Based on Miss Cooper's personality as revealed in this excerpt, what profession might suit her?

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This company is having trouble finding "enough qualified people" (line 8). What is implied by this statement?

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What is Laura's principal character trait as revealed in this dialogue?

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Ichabod wanted to appear "in the true style of a cavalier" (lines 27-28) and "rode out, like a knight-errant" (line 32). What do these details indicate about how Ichabod wants to appear?

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Which of the following best represents Amanda's belief concerning young women?

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-- Exhibit -When Anatou protests that she has no magical power, Tarto answers by saying, "Don't you
want to? Don't you want to help us, Anatou?" (lines 20-21). What do Tarto's words reveal?

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When Amanda says, "I can see the handwriting on the wall . . . It's terrifying!" (lines 16-18), what does she mean?

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-- Exhibit -When Amanda tells Tom he can help his sister if he would "Overcome selfishness!" (line
53), to what selfishness is she referring?

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Fred Ingram states in his letter that his role in his children's lives "is not as important as it could or should be" (line 22).
Based on this statement, what might the reader conclude about Fred Ingram's beliefs about rearing children?

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When Anatou tells Tarto that she is going to the forest, Tarto cries, "(Impulsively) But you can't" (line 50). How does his concern for Anatou's safety contrast with his earlier statements to her?

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What do the details in lines 11-20 reveal about the narrator?



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