GED-Science 無料問題集「GED Science」

Many scientists believe that early in Earth's history, life began in water, aided by the energy from sunlight. Dissolved molecules probably bonded chemically with each other to produce increasingly complex organic molecules called "heterotroph aggregates." These molecules eventually developed the ability to reproduce.
Why are heterotroph aggregates not found on Earth's Moon?

-- Exhibit -
Since carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form an acid, an acid-base indicator such as bromthymol blue is used to track the acid concentration during plant photosynthesis and respiration. Bromthymol blue turns yellow in an acid solution and remains blue in a basic solution. The color change is reversible. A student used the following procedure to track carbon dioxide.
In an experiment, a student placed a solution of bromthymol blue into each of two flasks, inserted a drinking straw in each flask, and blew through the straw until the solution turned fromblue to yellow. Carbon dioxide, a waste product in the student's breath, caused the color change. The student then placed a small Elodea water plant in each flask and closed the flasks with rubber stoppers. Flask A was placed in bright sunlight, while flask B was placed in the dark for 24 hours, as shown in the figure below.

After 24 hours, the bromthymol blue in flask A had turned back to blue, while in flask B it was still yellow.
-- Exhibit-
The experiment was designed to track what substance?

The waters of the Antarctic region contain an abundance of animal and plant life. The large number of living organisms stems partly from the water's high mineral content and partly from the constant cold temperature. The continual flow of materials from below brings nitrates and phosphates into the surface zone. Cold water holds more dissolved carbon dioxide and oxygen than does warm water. The abundance of carbon dioxide and the available sunlight allow photosynthesis to occur in the surface waters almost continuously during the long daylight hours in the summer.
If the temperature of the Antarctic waters increased by a marked degree, which of the following statements would explain a decrease in the abundant life there now?

Based on the information and diagram, which container has the most thermal energy?

For millions of years, the Mississippi River has caused thousands of feet of sand and mud to be layered and stacked up beneath the Gulf of Mexico.
What is this stacking and layering process called?

In a population cycle, predators eat and reduce the number of prey. If the number of predators is reduced, the number of prey will gradually increase. Eventually, the predator population will increase, and the population cycle will continue.
Which pair best demonstrates a predator-prey relationship?

What behaviors do birds use for navigation?

-- Exhibit -
The carbon cycle is illustrated above. Two of the essential processes involved are photosynthesis in green plants and algae and respiration by almost all organisms. Respiration, as well as burning and other natural decomposition (breakdown) processes, contributes to the amount of CO2 in the air and soil. Photosynthesis uses up CO2 and produces O2, which, in turn, is used up in respiration and the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas.

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Based on the information and diagram, which process does not release CO2?

Below is a graph of the world's population over the past 2000 years. The population size remained fairly steady until about the year 1200. As the standard of living started to improve, the human population began a period of rapid growth in the 1800s. By 1975, world population reached approximately 4 billion people. The projected population for year 2012 is 7 billion people.

Based on the information and graph, which statement best describes the growth of world population?

When water evaporates from a surface, the surface is cooled. From this information, which of the following would MOST likely keep the human body at a constant temperature?

Which title best describes the diagram?

What is a likely prediction about other vertebrates with magnetite near their brains?



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