GED-Social-Studies 無料問題集「GED Social Studies」


What purpose do passports serve for ordinary travelers in a foreign country?


If leaders of Asian countries wanted to increase and sustain trade revenue from the sale of ginkgo, which action would most likely help them accomplish this goal?

Based on the tone and content of his speech, what most likely was the political role that Pericles held in Athens?


According to the graph, which sector in the United States used the most fresh water in 1998?

Exhibit: Based on the chart, which statement about population is most accurate?

"In many impoverished [poor] countries, a well-developed tourism industry could serve as a magnet for international opportunities, generate precious foreign exchange, and create stable employment opportunities."
Secretary-General Kofi Annan of the United Nations, 2000
Which unstated belief might have led Secretary General Kofi Annan to make the statement above?

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Saharan dust clouds brought particles of dust with iron to the waters off Florida's west coast, creating huge blooms [deposits] of toxic red algae.The Saharan dust entered the upper atmosphere and circled the globe.
When the dust reached the Florida's west coast, it increased surface water iron concentrations there by 300%, which then increased by tenfold the count of bacteria in the water.These bacteria caused a "red tide" which can kill some forms of marine life and causes serious skin and respiratory problems in humans.By using satellites to monitor Saharan dust clouds and bacteria blooms, scientists will one day be able to forecast red tides in areas that will be affected.
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Which long-term ecological problem was caused by the arrival in Florida of Saharan dust?

In 1901, President Theodore Roosevelt stated, "We demand that big business give people a square [fair and honest] deal." Roosevelt later became known as a "trust-buster" [one who seeks to break up large business combinations].
Which action by the U.S. government best reflects Roosevelt's 1901 statement?


According to the viewpoint, which is one main function of family life?

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What other activities of this type occurred later in the same decade in America?

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The responsibilities of a citizen who lives in a democracy are similar in some ways to those of a citizen in a totalitarian state. For example, a citizen under either system is expected to pay taxes and vote.
However, there are important differences between the two systems. In a democracy, a citizen is expected to respect the rights and opinions of others. The state encourages citizens to become involved in community groups and allows political protest. In a democracy, a citizen has more rights and freedom to carry out his duties. The state exists for the good of the citizen.
In a totalitarian society, the state controls every aspect of human life, and the citizen exists for the good of the state. The primary responsibility of the citizen is to obey and follow. The citizen can vote for only government-approved candidates. The ruling party members or people who support them fill all offices and law-making bodies. Some criticism of the state may be allowed. However, any citizen activity that could interfere with the state, such as a protest march, is outlawed in a totalitarian state
Adapted from Raymond Yuen, publisher, The Way to U.S. Citizenship (Carlsbad, Calif.: Dominie Press, Inc., 1997),116; World Book Encyclopedia, Volume 19 (Chicago: World Book, Inc., 2001), 344.
-- Exhibit -Based on the information provided, which economy will a totalitarian government most likely have?


According to the information, how have modern international trade and travel affected the use of passports and visas in 1999?

Exhibit: Based on the graph at the left, how does rural and urban population growth in developing countries compare between 1975 and 2015?

Which of the following points of view supports the idea that people should prevent incidents such as the oil spill in Alaska?

What was the purpose of Pericles's speech?

Based on the information, with which project would the United Nations most likely become involved?

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Which change in the economy most likely helped cause the change in the minimum wage shown in the graph?

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The above photograph illustrates the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in August 1963, attended by an estimated 200,000 people.In the left center of the photograph,
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., can be seen marching with the group carrying signs. -- Exhibit -

Which kind of political activity is going on in the photograph?

"Victory Gardens" were small home and community vegetable gardens planted and maintained by patriotic citizens in the United States during World War II.

Together with home and community projects described in the passage, what did these gardens primarily encourage in the United States during World War II?



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