ITILSC-OSA 無料問題集「EXIN ITIL Service Capability Operational Support and Analysis」

You are the CIO of a large stockbroking firm, based in Hong Kong.Recently this company has acquired two other major firms in Londonand New York. Total Company staff now exceeds 800 people. EachFirm currently has their own Service Desk.
Hong Kong has 10 SD staff to 400 employees, with 6 2nd level support staff London has 3 SD staff to 140 employees with 3 2nd level support staff New York has 5 SD staff to 250 employees with 5 2nd levelsupport staff
With this new merger comes new support issues. Complaints arecoming in to say that there si an imbalance with ratio of IT supportstaff to users, Service Desks in London and New York are havingtrouble knowing and supporting new systems which has resulted inusers calling Hong Kong Service Desk. This has resulted in higherresolution times and an inability to get through to the service deskThe Business is not happy with the current situation.
Refer to the scenario.




Functions are best described as?

Vision Media is an international media organization, operating variouslines of business including:
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Film Production Television (production and delivery of their own channel in the United States VisionOne) Print media (including newspapers in 15 countries) Online Advertising
The organization has recently been restructured, and now iscomprised of the following companies and departments:
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Vision Films (production of movies and television shows) VisionOne (television channel) VisionNews (coordinates all of the sub-companies involved in the delivery of printed newspapers, as well as being the centralized source of news information for all company owned media outlets) VisionNet (managing the online and internet businesses) Legal Services Finance and Administration Human Resources Information Technology
The organization is also actively pursuing growth in the online market,and is currently holding discussions with the leading online newsprovider about the possible acquisition of their company. This wouldincrease the overall size of Vision Media by around 15%.
The Information Technology department acts as a Shared ServiceUnit, providing IT Services to all of sub-companies and departments,which complement some of the Internal Service Providers that alsoexist. The director of Information Technology has realized the need toimprove the quality of services offered by implementing ITIL, and hasdecided to do so using a phased approach. Some of the ServiceDesign and Service Transition processes have already beenimplemented, and they are now planning the implementation ofService Operation.
While the IT director does have tentative support from the otherdirectors and CEO, budgets for implementing the Service Operationprocesses have not been finalized, and still require a business caseto be formally submitted.
Refer to the exhibit.
There is some confusion as to how the process of AccessManagement should be designed. In particular, there is debate as tohow the process should be integrated into the overall approach of ITService Management within Vision Media. The IT director has askedfor submissions from some of her staff, describing how they thinkAccess Management should be designed.
Which of the following submissions describes the most appropriateway in which to design and implement Access Management withinVision Media?



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