(A)Function points
(B)Cyclometic complexity
(C)Depth of inheritance
(A)During the sprint planning when they can't fit enough into the sprint
(B)Prior to starting a new sprint
(C)Prior to starting a new project
(D)In the retrospective when it turns out they can improve quality
(A)Technical writers
(B)Scrum master
(C)Product owner
(E)Scrum requires no documentation
(A)Every team must make their own DoD, a meeting should be organised so that the differences are known.
(B)It depends on the product owner
(C)All development teams must have a DoD that makes their combined work releasable.
(D)Every team uses its own. The differences are discussed in a hardening sprint.
(A)Identifying a particular codebase as ready for distribution
(B)Combining two or more versions of code into a single codebase
(C)Copying a portion of a codebase to isolate it from the original codebase
(D)Two or more developers working together to ensure proper coding and configuration management
(A)Simple and repeatable reproduction steps
(B)Assigning blame
(C)Vague statements or untested assumptions
(D)Generic titles
(E)One bug per report
(A)There are no such activities. The next sprint starts immediately after the current sprint
(B)Work with the QA departments on the increment of the current sprint
(C)Update the project plan with stakeholders
(D)Refine the backlog
(A)Scrum master
(B)Product owner
(C)Most junior developer
(D)QA specialists
(F)The tester
(A)Just before the end of the sprint
(B)Just before the first check-in
(C)As soon as there is code in the version control system
(D)When the product owner asks for a build
(E)Just before the product is released
(A)The developers emerge architecture as the system is created
(B)An architect on the team undertakes all architecture tasks
(C)The architect works in the early part of each sprint to define the architecture of that sprint
(D)The architecture cares for itself as code is written and deployed
(E)Upfront designs are presented to the developers prior to the first sprint
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