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Oracle Marketing Cloudの基礎準備資料問題集には、Oracle Marketing Cloud 1Z1-1031試験を受けるために必要なすべての材料が含まれています。詳細は、正確で論理的なものを作成するために業界の経験を常に使用しているOracle Marketing Cloud によって研究と構成されています。
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JPNTestは、1週間で完璧に認定試験を準備することができる、忙しい受験者に最適な問題集を提供しております。 1Z1-1031の問題集は、Oracleの専門家チームがベンダーの推奨する授業要綱を深く分析して作成されました。弊社の1Z1-1031学習材料を一回のみ使用するだけで、Oracle認証試験に合格することができます。
1Z1-1031はOracleの重要な認証であり、あなたの専門スキルを試す認定でもあります。受験者は、試験を通じて自分の能力を証明したいと考えています。 JPNTest Oracle Marketing Cloud Data Management Platform 2019 Implementation Essentials は、Oracle Marketing Cloudの75の問題と回答を収集して作成しました。Oracle Marketing Cloud Data Management Platform 2019 Implementation Essentialsの知識ポイントをカバーし、候補者の能力を強化するように設計されています。 JPNTest 1Z1-1031受験問題集を使用すると、Oracle Marketing Cloud Data Management Platform 2019 Implementation Essentialsに簡単に合格し、Oracle認定を取得して、Oracleとしてのキャリアをさらに歩むことができます。
Oracle Marketing Cloud Data Management Platform 2019 Implementation Essentials 認定 1Z1-1031 試験問題:
1. Which two are attributes of third-party data? (Choose two.)
A) Often billed directly by the media partner
B) Offered on a private marketplace, via direct sales to marketers
C) Can be confirmed from multiple outside sources
D) Free to use for activation, targeting, and analytics
2. Which option will help your client identify which categories get the most data?
A) Remove or hide unused categories.
B) Review the cookie inventory.
C) Enable taxonomy permissioning.
D) Generate the Site Hits Report.
E) Request an Inventory Report from their account manager.
3. You are working with a global organization. After discussing their company structure, you find that they are centralized organization and operations are run from one global template that is followed by all regions. What seat governance structure should you recommend to your client?
A) A global template with local nuances
B) A global DMP nerve center
C) Horizontal regional empowerment
D) A single seat shared by all regions
E) Full agency control
4. You want to target four unique sets of user profiles for creative effectiveness testing.
How should you structure the audience(s)?
A) Create four audiences with any combination of categories, as long as each category included is unique and not repeated in the other three audiences.
B) Create four audiences with the same categories, and include 1-3 unique A/B test group categories with the categories in segment 1.
C) Create four audiences with the same categories, and include 1-3 unique A/B test group categories as a separate segment.
D) Create one audience with four segments, and have each segment include 1-3 unique A/B test group categories.
E) Create four audiences with any combination of unique categories, and include 1-3 unique A/B test group categories with the categories in segment 1.
5. Your customer, Alpha Corp, wants to collect data from their global brand website (alpha-corp.com, m.alpha-corp.com), their marketing subdomains (go.alpha-corp.com, products.alpha-corp.com), and their mobile app (available on Android and iOS). How many domains do they have?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 8
D) 6
質問 # 1 正解: B、D | 質問 # 2 正解: E | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: A | 質問 # 5 正解: D |