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JPNTestは、1週間で完璧に認定試験を準備することができる、忙しい受験者に最適な問題集を提供しております。 1z0-1106-1の問題集は、Oracleの専門家チームがベンダーの推奨する授業要綱を深く分析して作成されました。弊社の1z0-1106-1学習材料を一回のみ使用するだけで、Oracle認証試験に合格することができます。
1z0-1106-1はOracleの重要な認証であり、あなたの専門スキルを試す認定でもあります。受験者は、試験を通じて自分の能力を証明したいと考えています。 JPNTest Oracle HCM Business Process Foundations Associate Rel 1 は、Oracle HCM Business Processの57の問題と回答を収集して作成しました。Oracle HCM Business Process Foundations Associate Rel 1の知識ポイントをカバーし、候補者の能力を強化するように設計されています。 JPNTest 1z0-1106-1受験問題集を使用すると、Oracle HCM Business Process Foundations Associate Rel 1に簡単に合格し、Oracle認定を取得して、Oracleとしてのキャリアをさらに歩むことができます。
Oracle HCM Business Process Foundations Associate Rel 1 認定 1z0-1106-1 試験問題:
1. An employee just got requested to be a mentor and is excited for the opportunity. The employee looks up the mentee's talent profile but does not know how to begin establishing a relationship with her mentee. The employee has decided to reach out to the HR Business partner, and was informed that she can do one of the following. What did the HR Business partner ask the employee to do?
A) Schedule a call with the mentee's manager.
B) Review and complete the Mentoring plan.
C) Set up regular calls with the mentee.
D) Schedule time with the HR Business Partner to design a plan.
2. Which type of absence plan is used to track earned compensatory time that can be used for time off, such as overtime that is paid in days or hours off?
A) Compensatory Plan
B) Qualification Plan
C) Accrual Plan
D) Agreement Plan
3. The employee's career development is crucial to your organization as it's a way to retain your top-performing employees at your company. You would like for the Manager and employee to be in communication on this topic on a quarterly basis and be aware of what open roles within the company their direct reports would be a strong fit for. In order to put actions into conversations when it comes to the development of an employee, what employee information do Managers have access to?
A) Performance evaluation
B) Roles of interest
C) Goals
D) The employee's career preference statement
4. Which part of Work Life does Mentorship fall under?
A) Volunteering
B) Personal Brand
C) Social Reputation
D) Wellness
5. A Manager has been invited to be a participant for a Talent Review Meeting for the team. The Manager needs to start to prepare the date for the Talent Review meeting. What data is needed when it comes to preparing and conducting a Talent Review meeting?
A) Risk of loss assessment
B) Potential assessment
C) Location of employees
D) Last time there was a promotion/salary increase
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: C | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: B |