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JPNTestテスト問題集を初めて使用したときにIBM Certified Deployment Professional A2050-219試験(Assessment: IBM Sterling Order Management V9.1 Deployment)に合格されなかった場合は、購入料金を全額ご返金いたします。
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IBM Assessment: IBM Sterling Order Management V9.1 Deployment 認定 A2050-219 試験問題:
1. The IBM Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite deployment is giving a very high response time. The users of the Application Consoles have difficulty performing their tasks because of the long delay in screen loads and updates. What are two possible reasons?
A) incorrect version of Java used for the installation
B) JSPs Not Precompiled
C) frequent JVM Full Garbage Collection
D) error while installing the application
E) error in deployment of the application
2. A fashion retailer would like to start taking pre-orders for an upcoming new line of merchandise. Orders get stamped with the advertised release date of the merchandise. To prevent spurious procurements from being triggered, the retailer wants the orders to be sourced only a few days ahead of the inventory being available. Which option will address this requirement?
A) The order can have an expected ship date way out in the future (like 1/1/2100) so the scheduling agent will not pick up these orders. Theexpected ship date can then be changed a few days before inventory becomes available.
B) The scheduling rule can be configured to retry every 'X' hours so the orders will remain backordered until the advertised release date of theproduct is reached.
C) The orders should be put on a scheduling hold, and the hold released a few days before the advertised product release date.
D) The scheduling rule can have a lead day of 'X' days configured so orders will be scheduled only that many days ahead of the advertisedrelease date.
3. The system administrator of a company has been asked to implement a change request to an existing solution to let orders in the Backordered status to be cancellable. If an order is in any other status, cancellations should be disallowed. How should the system administrator achieve this?
A) The system administrator should implement the beforeChangeOrder User Exit of the changeOrder API in order to check for permissible orderstatuses. If the order is not in the Backordered status, an exception should be thrown from the User Exit.
B) The system administrator should use the Order Modification Rules present within the Applications Manager to configure the Backorderedstatus to allow the order to be canceled.
C) The system administrator does not have to do anything since orders in the backordered status will be automatically canceled by IBM SterlingOrder Management without any special configuration.
D) The system administrator should use the Sterling Business Center console to configure the order modification business rules.
4. The loss prevention team uses a custom java program to analyze potentially fraudulent returns in the stores. They now want the program to also be able to get the list of return orders within the Sterling Order Management system with a refund amount exceeding $250. Due to technological barriers, the java program cannot use web service or JMS-based integration. What is the most effective way of integrating the custom java program with Sterling?
A) A service can be created to invoke the custom program that can be invoked from within the Service Definition Framework, and the order xml can be passed as an argument to the service.
B) By using the createEnvironment API, the custom java program can invoke the getOrderList API synchronously.
C) The API tester can be used to invoke the getOrderList API and the results can be sent via email to the loss prevention team.
D) A stored procedure can be written that will extract the order data from the database and write to a local file that can be picked up by the custom program.
5. A developer has deployed the Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite using the WebSphere Hot Deployment mode. To meet the implementation requirements, the developer created a new UI screen for capturing Order Details. How can the developer access the new UI screen from within the Application Console?
A) Restart Websphere.
B) Rebuild the entities.jar file and restart WebSphere.
C) Rebuild the recources.jar file and restart WebSphere.
D) The JSPs will load dynamically.
質問 # 1 正解: B、C | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: D |