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JPNTestは、1週間で完璧に認定試験を準備することができる、忙しい受験者に最適な問題集を提供しております。 D-CS-DS-23の問題集は、EMCの専門家チームがベンダーの推奨する授業要綱を深く分析して作成されました。弊社のD-CS-DS-23学習材料を一回のみ使用するだけで、EMC認証試験に合格することができます。
D-CS-DS-23はEMCの重要な認証であり、あなたの専門スキルを試す認定でもあります。受験者は、試験を通じて自分の能力を証明したいと考えています。 JPNTest Dell Cloud Services Design 2023 は、Dell Cloudの161の問題と回答を収集して作成しました。Dell Cloud Services Design 2023の知識ポイントをカバーし、候補者の能力を強化するように設計されています。 JPNTest D-CS-DS-23受験問題集を使用すると、Dell Cloud Services Design 2023に簡単に合格し、EMC認定を取得して、EMCとしてのキャリアをさらに歩むことができます。
EMC Dell Cloud Services Design 2023 認定 D-CS-DS-23 試験問題:
1. A cloud architect is helping a company with a new service design process. The architect notices that the company has a siloed, domain-centric IT organizational structure and is concerned about customer satisfaction.
What impact would this type of structure have on customer satisfaction?
A) Delays with service authentication
B) Decrease in service performance
C) Reduction in the supported number of tenants
D) Delays in problem resolution
2. An organization is using a hybrid cloud for services. They wish to mitigate the risk of compromising data confidentiality.
How can this be accomplished?
A) Include a data-at-rest encryption capability in services
B) Establish a parent-child relationship of data records
C) Include digital signature capabilities in services
D) Include an option in the catalog for service placement
3. An IT organization in a technology company is in the process of adopting cloud services in an ITaaS model. They are seeking to reduce their operating costs while delivering business aligned services.
What is the most effective way to do so?
A) Implementing a service catalog and enabling self-service
B) Implementing automation in delivery of services
C) Aligning IT staff with lines of business to ensure agreement with business objectives
D) Increasing utilization by encouraging multi-tenancy
4. What key features do Web Scale infrastructure and applications share that contribute to their success?
A) HA design, distributed architecture, low OPEX, and design for failure
B) Clustered architecture, design for failure, HA design, and intelligent hyper-optimized applications
C) Design for failure, intelligent hyper-optimized applications, distributed architecture, and low OPEX
D) Intelligent hyper-optimized applications, clustered architecture, low OPEX, and HA design
5. What is a goal of financial planning for cloud services?
A) IT reduces their capital expenditures (CAPEX)
B) Lines of business understand what they are paying for and the value received for their investment
C) IT receives a big Return on Investment (ROI) for their technology spending
D) Lines of business reduce their operational expenditures (OPEX)
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: A | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: B |