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PECB Certified Data Protection Officer 認定 GDPR 試験問題:
1. Scenario 8:MA store is an online clothing retailer founded in 2010. They provide quality products at a reasonable cost. One thing that differentiates MA store from other online shopping sites is their excellent customer service.
MA store follows a customer-centered business approach. They have created a user-friendly website with well-organized content that is accessible to everyone. Through innovative ideas and services, MA store offers a seamless user experience for visitors while also attracting new customers. When visiting the website, customers can filter their search results by price, size, customer reviews, and other features. One of MA store's strategies for providing, personalizing, and improving its products is data analytics. MA store tracks and analyzes the user actions on its website so it can create customized experience for visitors.
In order to understand their target audience, MA store analyzes shopping preferences of itscustomers based on their purchase history. The purchase history includes the product that was bought, shipping updates, and payment details. Clients' personal data and other information related to MA store products included in the purchase history are stored in separate databases. Personal information, such as clients' address or payment details, are encrypted using a public key. When analyzing the shopping preferences of customers, employees access only the information about the product while the identity of customers is removed from the data set and replaced with a common value, ensuring that customer identities are protected and cannot be retrieved.
Last year, MA store announced that they suffered a personal data breach where personal data of clients were leaked. The personal data breach was caused by an SQL injection attack which targeted MA store's web application. The SQL injection was successful since no parameterized queries were used.
Based on this scenario, answer the following question:
According to scenario 8, MA store analyzed shopping preferences of its customers by analyzing the product they have bought in the customer's purchase history. Which option is correct in this case?
A) MA store can use this type of information for a limited period of time since it is pseudonymized
B) MA store can use this type of information for an indefinite period of time since it is anonymized
C) MA store can use this type of information only during the period for which data subjects have given consent
2. Question:
What is themain purpose of conducting a DPIA?
A) Toeliminate all risksassociated with processing personal data.
B) Toextensively assess the impactsof the identified risks on individuals.
C) Toidentify the causesof the identified risks.
D) Tomeasure the potential consequencesof the identified risks on the organization.
3. Scenario:
Pinky, a retail company,received a requestfrom adata subjectto identify which purchasesthey had madeat differentphysical store locations. However,Pinky does not link purchase records to customer identities, since purchasesdo not require account creation.
Should Pinkyprocess additional informationfrom customers in order toidentify the data subjectas requested?
A) Yes, Pinky is required tomaintain, acquire, or process additional informationin order to identify the data subject.
B) No, but Pinky must ask the data subject to provide further evidence proving their identity.
C) No, Pinky isnot requiredto process additional information, since the processing of personal data in this case does not require Pinky toidentify the data subject.
D) Yes, Pinky is required to process additional information for the purpose ofexercising the data subject' s rightscovered inArticles 15-21 of GDPR.
4. Scenario4:
Berc is a pharmaceutical company headquartered in Paris, France, known for developing inexpensive improved healthcare products. They want to expand to developing life-saving treatments. Berc has been engaged in many medical researches and clinical trials over the years. These projects required the processing of large amounts of data, including personal information. Since 2019, Berc has pursued GDPR compliance to regulate data processing activities and ensure data protection. Berc aims to positively impact human health through the use of technology and the power of collaboration. They recently have created an innovative solution in participation with Unty, a pharmaceutical company located in Switzerland. They want to enable patients to identify signs of strokes or other health-related issues themselves. They wanted to create a medical wrist device that continuously monitors patients' heart rate and notifies them about irregular heartbeats. The first step of the project was to collect information from individuals aged between 50 and 65. The purpose and means of processing were determined by both companies. The information collected included age, sex, ethnicity, medical history, and current medical status. Other information included names, dates of birth, and contact details. However, the individuals, who were mostly Berc's and Unty's customers, were not aware that there was an arrangement between Berc and Unty and that both companies have access to their personal data and share it between them. Berc outsourced the marketing of their new product to an international marketing company located in a country that had not adopted the adequacy decision from the EU commission. However, since they offered a good marketing campaign, following the DPO's advice, Berc contracted it. The marketing campaign included advertisement through telephone, emails, and social media. Berc requested that Berc's and Unty's clients be first informed about the product. They shared the contact details of clients with the marketing company.Based on this scenario, answer the following question:
Based on scenario 4, Bercshared personal information of its clients with an international marketing companyeven thoughan adequacy decision was absent. Which of the following is avalid reasonto do so?
A) The transfer of data does not depend on the adoption of an adequacy decision by the country where the company is located.
B) Thecontroller or processor provides appropriate safeguardsfor data protection.
C) Authorization for data transfer from Berc'sChief Information Security Officer (CISO)is obtained.
D) The marketing company's reputation ensures compliance with data protection standards.
5. Scenario:2
Soyled is a retail company that sells a wide range of electronic products from top European brands. It primarily sells its products in its online platforms (which include customer reviews and ratings), despite using physical stores since 2015. Soyled's website and mobile app are used by millions of customers. Soyled has employed various solutions to create a customer-focused ecosystem and facilitate growth. Soyled uses customer relationship management (CRM) software to analyze user data and administer the interaction with customers. The software allows the company to store customer information, identify sales opportunities, and manage marketing campaigns. It automatically obtains information about each user's IP address and web browser cookies. Soyled also uses the software to collect behavioral data, such as users' repeated actions and mouse movement information. Customers must create an account to buy from Soyled's online platforms. To do so, they fill out a standard sign-up form of three mandatory boxes (name, surname, email address) and a non-mandatory one (phone number). When the user clicks the email address box, a pop-up message appears as follows: "Soyled needs your email address to grant you access to your account and contact you about any changes related to your account and our website. For further information, please read our privacy policy.' When the user clicks the phone number box, the following message appears: "Soyled may use your phone number to provide text updates on the order status. The phone number may also be used by the shipping courier." Once the personal data is provided, customers create a username and password, which are used to access Soyled's website or app. When customers want to make a purchase, they are also required to provide their bank account details. When the user finally creates the account, the following message appears: "Soyled collects only the personal data it needs for the following purposes: processing orders, managing accounts, and personalizing customers' experience. The collected data is shared with our network and used for marketing purposes." Soyled uses personal data to promote sales and its brand. If a user decides to close the account, the personal data is still used for marketing purposes only. Last month, the company received an email from John, a customer, claiming that his personal data was being used for purposes other than those specified by the company. According to the email, Soyled was using the data for direct marketing purposes. John requested details on how his personal data was collected, stored, and processed. Based on this scenario, answer the following question:
Soyled's customers are required to provide theirbank account detailsto buy a product. According to the GDPR, is this data processing lawful?
A) Yes, because the processing is necessary for the fulfillment of the purchase agreement.
B) Yes, because Soyled has a privacy policy in place that ensures the protection of personal data.
C) No, because financial information cannot be collected without explicit consent.
D) No, sensitive data, such as bank account details, should only be processed by official authorities.
質問 # 1 正解: A | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: A |