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Juniper Cloud, Professional (JNCIP-Cloud) 認定 JN0-611 試験問題:
1. Which statement is correct about service chaining?
A) All hosts must be in the same network subnet.
B) The right service interface is always the ingress for traffic.
C) All traffic entering the left interface must exit the right interface.
D) Service chaining is always Layer 2 based.
2. Referring to the exhibit, which component will be used for the underlay connectivity of the ESXi host?
A) the vSwitchO
B) a host unique vSwitch
C) the cntr-vswitch
D) a distributed vSwitch
3. An administrator has created a deployment and exposed the front-end Python service. The Python service is not available.
Referring to the exhibit, what is the problem?
A) A Kubemetes network policy must be added to permit the traffic.
B) Contrail SNAT overlay forwarding must be enabled.
C) The LoadBalancer objects require a load balancer appliance.
D) A floating IP pool in Contrail must be associated with the service's namespace to allocate external IPs.
4. Referring to the exhibit. You successfully run the Ansible playbook shown in the exhibit. However, you are unable to see the instances you created.
What is the problem in this scenario?
A) You are viewing the wrong region.
B) You are viewing the correct region in the wrong VPC.
C) You have incorrectly entered your key information.
D) Your s3 bucket was not accessible during the deployment.
5. You are deploying resources within AWS integrated with Contrail. Which set of components must be defined in this situation?
A) region, VNET, security groups, SSH key pair, EC2 instance details
B) region, resource group, VPC, security groups, instance details
C) region, VPC, security groups, SSH key pair, EC2 instance details
D) region, resource group, VNET, security groups, instance details
質問 # 1 正解: B | 質問 # 2 正解: B | 質問 # 3 正解: D | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: A |