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OMG-Certified Systems Modeling Professional - Model Builder - Advanced 認定 OMG-OCSMP-MBA400 試験問題:
1. Choose the correct answer
What is the forward temporal order of these development stages?
* needs analysis
* system acceptance
* system design * trade study
A) needs analysis, system design, system acceptance, trade study
B) trade study, needs analysis, system design system acceptance
C) needs analysis, system design, trade study, system acceptance
D) needs analysis, system acceptance, system design, trade study
E) needs analysis, trade study, system design, system acceptance
2. Choose the correct answer
What can be included in a model library?
A) any model element
B) any model element that Is contained In a profile
C) only those model elements that are re-used in the model
D) any model element that can be contained in a package
3. Choose the coned answer
What characterizes a complete SysML model?
A) It uses all SysML diagram types to model all aspects of the system or part being modeled.
B) All of its element trace back to requirements that are within the scope of the project
C) It has all the necessary information relevant at the level of abstraction that the model represents.
D) It includes a complete set of SysML constructs and associations for the system being modeled
4. Choose the correct answer
Which statement is true regarding a typical model-based systems engineering methodology?
A) The activities in u typical systems engineering methodology work just as well for specialty engineering activities
B) The activities in a typical systems engineering methodology are applied iteratively
C) The activities in a typical systems engineering methodology can be performed in any order
D) The activities in a typical systems engineering methodology are applied sequentially.
5. Choose the correct answer
A system engineer designing a smart-home system is working with three analysts using specialized computational tools to evaluate energy consumption, waste production, and reliability of the system The team is soliciting a recommendation for an approach that achieves the following (1) Analysis models should Incorporate design details necessary for evaluation (2) Analysis models should be easily adaptable for different types of smart-home systems Which recommendation would be most effective from a MBSE perspective'?
A) The system engineer should create a SysML model loi capturing the design ol different types of smart-home systems, and the analysts should set up executable templates/scripts to generate analysis models from the SysML model
B) The system engineer should create a SysMI model for capturing the high level design specifications of different types of smart-home systems. This SysML model should contain a package for each of the analyses and dependency relations between the design specifications and the analysis packages
C) The system engineer should create a SysML model for capturing high-level design specifications of different types of smart-home systems, which the analysts can consult for creating and maintaining analysis models in their individual tools.
D) The system engineer should create a SysML model for capturing the design of different types of smart-home systems, and the analysts should each create a SysML model representing their specific analysis. All four SysML models should then be linked together.
質問 # 1 正解: C | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: C | 質問 # 4 正解: B | 質問 # 5 正解: A |