JPNTestのVMCE VMCE_V10模擬試験問題集は、認定された対象分野の専門家と公開された作成者のみを使用して、最高の技術精度標準に沿って作成されています。
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JPNTestは、1週間で完璧に認定試験を準備することができる、忙しい受験者に最適な問題集を提供しております。 VMCE_V10の問題集は、Veeamの専門家チームがベンダーの推奨する授業要綱を深く分析して作成されました。弊社のVMCE_V10学習材料を一回のみ使用するだけで、Veeam認証試験に合格することができます。
VMCE_V10はVeeamの重要な認証であり、あなたの専門スキルを試す認定でもあります。受験者は、試験を通じて自分の能力を証明したいと考えています。 JPNTest Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) V10 は、VMCEの50の問題と回答を収集して作成しました。Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) V10の知識ポイントをカバーし、候補者の能力を強化するように設計されています。 JPNTest VMCE_V10受験問題集を使用すると、Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) V10に簡単に合格し、Veeam認定を取得して、Veeamとしてのキャリアをさらに歩むことができます。
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Veeam Certified Engineer (VMCE) V10 認定 VMCE_V10 試験問題:
1. In the event a VMware VM configuration file (VMX) is missing and a restore is needed, what Veeam restore process is the best choice for this situation?
A) Instant VM recovery
B) Virtual disk restore
C) Instant disk recovery
D) VM file restore
2. You fail back a VM replica to the original location. Which of the following requirements needs to be met to be able perform quick rollback during a failback of a replica?
A) Indexing must be enabled for the original VM
B) Perform failback to VM within the same subnet
C) The VM replica must have access to the repository where the full backup of the VM resides
D) The VM replica must be created with the "Use Changed Block Tracking data" option enabled
3. A company needs to recover a domain controller from a backup file they have on premises which was created by the Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows. Which of the following would provide the fastest access to the domain controller?
A) Recover the domain controller to an AWS EC2 instance using the restore to Amazon EC2
B) Perform an Instant VM Recovery to recover the domain controller to a VM on their VMware host
C) Perform a bare metal recovery of their domain controller back to the original system
D) Use the Veeam Explorer for Active Directory to recover the domain controller
4. Which of the following scenarios properly applies the 3-2-1 rule to backup jobs?
A) Use a backup job to back up to a local repository; perform a backup copy job to a repository in another location
B) Use backup jobs to back up directly to tape; ship the tapes off site
C) Use a backup job to back up to a local repository; perform a backup copy job to the same repository
D) Use a backup job to back up to a Scale-out Backup Repository configured with capacity tier using AWS S3 and enable move mode
5. A NAS backup job has been configured within Veeam Backup & Replication, and is completing successfully, but restore operations have been failing for the last few days.
What is causing the failure?
A) The cache repository assigned for this file share is unavailable for restore operations
B) The backup repository is sealed
C) The server was added by using an IQN alias which is unable to be resolved
D) The credentials added to the share are not allowed read-write access to the share, directories or files
質問 # 1 正解: D | 質問 # 2 正解: D | 質問 # 3 正解: B | 質問 # 4 正解: C | 質問 # 5 正解: D |